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C++ Arraylist - C And C++ | Dream.In.Code

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    2 Replies - 28 Views - Last Post: Today, 06:04 PM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 binu.varghese ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Today, 10:41 AM

    I have to to a c++ project which should define the abstract data type "Ordered list". I have to perform binary search and bubble sort.
    Here is my codes...My project is not even running.....
  #include "arraylist.h"  #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <time.h> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h>  #include <array> #include <vector> #include <list>  using namespace std;   using std::list; using std::string;  //Global vaiables  int const  MAX = 0;  char option;  int Count;  int Credit;    int binarysearch(int[],int,int); //End Global variables  //List functions     void write_File(); 	void display_Menu(); 	void execute_Menu(); 	void process_Option(); 	void Add_New_Customer(); 	void Delete_Customer(); 	void isempty(); 	void isfull(); 	void bubblesort(int[],int); 	//End List functions  	//Create Structure for customer 	struct Customer  {  	    int membership_number; 	    string foreName;  	    string surname; 	    string membership_type; 	}; 	int linearSearch (Customer*customer,int membership_number,const string forename, const string surname, const string membership_tyoe,int totalCustomers); 	// End Create Struture for customer 	 	Customer customerList[];  int main(void) { 	    int membership_number; 	    string foreName;  	    string surname; 	    string membership_type;  		int i ,j;  		for(i=0;i<=5;i++) 		{ 			std::cout << "Please Enter Membership Number: "; 			cin >> membership_number; 		} 		for(i=0;i<=4;i++) 		{ 	 	Customer customer[] =                    {                   {1234,"John","Smith","senior" },                   {2456,"Emma", "Fagan", "junior"}, 				  {1567,"David","Johnson","day"}, 				  {7648,"Dean", "Mclean","junior"}, 				  {5425,"Becky", "Thom", "senior"},                   };     Customer *recPoint;     int totalCustomers=5;     int membership_number;     string forename;     string surname; 	string membership_type;     int found;  	list<string> Ordered_List;    // Ordered_List.push_back("Hello");  	execute_Menu(); 		     void execute_Menu(); 	{ 		do 		{ 		  	display_Menu(); 		  	process_Option(); 		} while(option!=0); 	}  	void display_Menu(); 	{ 		do 		{ 		 			cout << "CUSTOMER DETAILS" ; cout << endl << endl; 			cout << "PLEASE SELECT AN OPTION FROM THE LIST BELOW: "; cout << endl << endl; 			cout << "0 - EXIT"; cout << endl; 			cout << "1 - ADD NEW STUDENT"; cout <<endl; 			cout << "2 - DELETE STUDENT"; cout  << endl << endl; 			  			cout << "Please enter an option"<< endl << endl; 			cin>>option; 			cin.ignore(1);   			 			if (option<'0' || option > '3') 			{ 				cout << endl; 				cout << endl << "Please Select A Number Between 0 And 2 To Proceed!" << endl << endl; 			}  		}while(option < '0' || option > '2'); 	}  	void process_Option (); 	{ 		switch (option) 		{ 		case '0': 			cout << endl; 			cout << "The Program will Now Exit!" << endl << endl; 			exit(0); 			break;  		case '1': 			Add_New_Customer(); 			break;  		case '2': 			Delete_Customer(); 			break; 		 		default: 			cout << "Please Select A Number Between 0 And 2 To Proceed!" << endl; 		}  	}  	//Write to a text file 	void write_File(); 	{ 		ofstream outFile; 		outFile.open("customers.txt");  		for (int index = 0; index <= Count; index++) 		{ 			if(index == Count) 			{ 				outFile << customerList[index].membership_number << ',' <<customerList[index].foreName << ',' << customerList[index].surname << ',' << customerList[index].membership_type << endl; 			} 			  		} 		cout << "Sucessfully Written to file" << endl; 		outFile.close();  	}  	void Add_New_Customer(); 	{ 		bool recordFull = false, found = false; 		int position = 0,  sLength; 		int membership_number; 		string forename,  surname; 		char membership_type;  		if (Count == MAX) 		{ 			recordFull = true; 		}   		if (recordFull == true && Count == MAX) 		{ 			cout << "Customer File is Full. " << endl; 		}  		else 		{ 			 			cout << "membership_number: " ;cin >> membership_number; 			//sLength = membership_number.length();  			if(sLength < 4 || sLength > 4) 			{ 				cout << "Matricno must be exactly 4 digits" << endl; 				Add_New_Customer(); 			}  			//if (membership_number < "1000") 			{ 				cout << endl << "Membership number must be between 1000 And 9999" << endl; 				Add_New_Customer(); 			} 			//else if(membership_number > "9999") 			{ 				cout  << endl  << "Membership number must be  between 1000 And 9999" << endl; 				Add_New_Customer(); 			}  			 			do 			{ 				if(customerList[position].membership_number == membership_number) 				{ 					found  = true; 				} 				else 				{ 					position++; 				} 				if(found == true) 				{ 					cout << "That membership number Already Existes" << endl; 					Add_New_Customer(); 				} 			} 			while(position <=  (Count+1));     			cout <<"Input forename: " ; cin >> forename; 			 			cout << "Input surname: " ;	cin >> surname; 		 			cout << "Input membership type: "; cin >> membership_type;   			//if (membership_type < 8 || Cred > 15) 			//{ 				//cout << "Credit number must be between 8 - 15" << endl; 				//Add_New_Cistomer(); 			//}  			 			Count = Count + 1; 			  			customerList[Count].membership_number = membership_number; 			customerList[Count].foreName = forename; 			customerList[Count].surname = surname; 			customerList[Count].membership_type = membership_type;   			cout << "New Student Added!" << endl << endl; 			write_File(); 			system("pause"); 			execute_Menu(); 		} 	}  	void Delete_Student(); 	{ 		 		cout << "Enter membership_number:" << endl;                 cout << "Membership Number -> ";                 cin >> membership_number;                 //found = linearSearch(customer,membership_number, totalCustomers);                 if (found!=-1)                   {                      recPoint = new Customer;                      delete recPoint;                      totalCustomers--;                      cout << endl << "Customer Record has been deleted." << endl << endl;                   }                 else                   cout << "Record does not exist." << endl << endl;    }//End Delete_Student  	void  isempty(); 	{    	}   	void isfull(); 	{ 	} 	  //void bubblesort(int a[], int membership_number); //{ //  int i, j, temp; // //  for (i =(membership_number - 1); i > 0; i--) //  { //    for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) //    { //      if (a[j-1] > a[j]) //      { //        temp = a[j-1]; //        a[j-1] = a[j]; //        a[j] = temp; //      } //    } //  } //}   //int binarysearch(int a[], int membership_number, string forename, string surname, char membership_type); //{ //    int low=0; //    int high=size-1; //    int middle; // //    while (low <= high) //    { //        middle = low + (high - low)/2; // find middle of the array //        if (searchkey > a[middle]) // if searched number lower than middle value, look after the middle value //        low = middle + 1; //        else if (searchkey < a[middle]) //        high = middle - 1; //        else //        return middle; //    } //    return -1; //} //} } 

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    Replies To: C++ Arraylist

    #2 JackOfAllTrades ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: C++ Arraylist

    Posted Today, 10:57 AM

    Why did you open a NEW topic?


    Does it compile? If not, copy and paste the errors into YOUR REPLY. Don't create ANOTHER topic.

    #3 #define ?Icon User is online

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    Re: C++ Arraylist

    Posted Today, 06:04 PM

    When defining the body of the function a semicolon is not included after the name.
 092	void execute_Menu(); // <-- wrong 093	    { 

    Also functions are not created in the main or other functions.

    An abstract data type is similar to a class, should ordered list be a class?

    You have a Customer struct, you could have a Customer List class.

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    Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/321739-c-arraylist/

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