Ole Miss fans can watch the Rebs play at Texas now. (USATSI)
Those Ole Miss fans who thought they wouldn't be able to watch the broadcast of the Rebels playing at Texas on Sept. 14 can breathe a little easier now.
The game, originally confined to the Longhorn Network (which has limited distribution), is now being offered by a range of TV stations throughout Mississippi and surrounding markets, Ole Miss announced on Tuesday.
"We are appreciative of ESPN's work in reaching out to the state of Mississippi and Memphis area TV stations to broadcast our game versus Texas," Ole Miss athletics director Ross Bjork said. "Because of our partnership with ESPN, they understood our minimum desire to make the game as accessible as possible in our state and the Memphis market. We are thankful to the local stations for allowing the game to be aired for Rebel Nation to see. Our team is focused and excited about the 2013 season, and we cannot wait to kick off on August 29."
Here's the list of affiliates carrying the game, which kicks off at 8 p.m. ET:
Memphis, Tenn. -- WREG (CBS)Mobile, Ala.-Pensacola, Fla. -- WFGX (MyNet)Jackson, Miss. -- WJTV (CBS)Columbus-Tupelo, Miss. -- WCBI (CBS)Biloxi-Gulfport, Miss. -- WXXV (FOX)Hattiesburg-Laurel, Miss. -- WHLT (CBS)Meridian, Miss. -- WMDN (CBS)Greenwood-Greenville, Miss. -- WABG (ABC or FOX)
This fix doesn't solve the problem for some national viewers who want to see the game, but it's a start.
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Source: http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/22783746/affiliate-tv-coverage-added-for-ole-miss-vs-texas
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