By: SharpBrains
How will you be cel?e?brat?ing?Brain Aware?ness Week next week (March 11th?17th ,?2013)?
Here?s a sug?ges?tion: you can access, at a spe?cial 95% pric?ing dis?count, more than 25 hours of exclu?sive pre?sen?ta?tions from over 40 lead?ing minds in applied neu?ro?plas?tic?ity?and brain health inno?va?tion. ?These pre?sen?ta?tions were made and dis?cussed dur?ing the 2012 Sharp?Brains Vir?tual Sum?mit, and?shed light on some of the most impor?tant ques?tions about the cur?rent and future state of brain health:
- How can the health indus?try bet?ter incor?po?rate the body?s most vital?organ?
- How are con?sumer beliefs and behav?iors towards brain health and brain train?ing evolving?
- How can Big Data and global inter?net access trans?form brain health practices?
- Which pro?fes?sional groups are ide?ally posi?tioned to become ?brain fit?ness coaches??
- How can neu?ro?science inform spe?cial education?
?> You can?ORDER A $15 PASS NOW?(reg?u?lar price is $295). Pass hold?ers receive a two-month access pass to the online pre?sen?ta?tions begin?ning on March 11th.
What Speak?ers and Par?tic?i?pants say about the 2012 Sharp?Brains Summit:
- ?The Sharp?Brains Sum?mit is a rare vehi?cle for get?ting mul?ti?ple expert per?spec?tives on cur?rent devel?op?ments in improv?ing brain func?tion in a con?cise and clear way.? ????Dr.?Michael Pos?ner,?Pro?fes?sor Emer?i?tus, Uni?ver?sity of Oregon
- ?Great exam?ple of how bring?ing sci?en?tific lead?ers and inno?va?tors together can spur thought?ful dis?cus?sion about our most vital organ ? the brain.? ??Dr. San?dra Bond Chap?man, Direc?tor, Cen?ter for Brain?Health at The Uni?ver?sity of Texas at Dallas
- ?The Sharp?Brains Sum?mit pro?vides com?mon ground for prac?ti?tion?ers, sci?en?tists and indus?try lead?ers to work towards the com?mon goal of dri?ving brain health and fit?ness for?ward with a thought?ful, ana?lyt?i?cal and prac?ti?cal approach.? -?Kate Sul?li?van, Direc?tor of the Brain Fit?ness Cen?ter at Wal?ter Reed National Mil?i?tary Med?ical Center
- An impres?sive vir?tual con?vo?ca?tion of lead?ing sci?en?tists and devel?op?ers and adopters of cog?ni?tive enhance?ment tech?nol?ogy.? ??Dr. Robert Bilder,?Chief of Med?ical Psychology-Neuropsychology, UCLA Semel Insti?tute for Neuroscience
- ?A very time-efficient man?ner to get a state of the art update on the lat?est inno?va?tions in assess?ing and pro?mot?ing brain health, and from the com?fort of your own office.? ??Dr.?Keith Wesnes, Prac?tice Leader, Bracket/ United BioSource Corporation
- A con?ve?nient and sur?pris?ingly com?pelling forum for catch?ing up on applied cog?ni?tive research from lead?ers in the field and for help?ing shape future brain health care.? ??Dr. Yaakov Stern, Cog?ni?tive Neu?ro?science Divi?sion Leader, Colum?bia University
Categories: Cognitive Neuroscience, Education & Lifelong Learning, Health & Wellness
Tags: big data, brain fitness coach, brain-awareness-week, Brain-Fitness, Brain-health, Brain-Training, health, innovation, neuroplasticity
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