Samsung (005930) on Tuesday announced a Wi-Fi only version of its Android-powered Galaxy Camera. The device is equipped with a 4.8-inch 720p HD display, a 1.4GHz quad-core Exynos processor and a 16.3-megapixel sensor with a 23-millimeter wide angle lens that is capable of 21x optical zoom. It also includes 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, a microSD slot and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. While the company did not announce pricing or availability, the Wi-Fi only model is expected to cost significantly less than comparable models with 3G/4G connectivity that start at around $499. Samsung?s press release follows below.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd today launched the Samsung GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi), the newest addition to the GALAXY Camera lineup. Like the original GALAXY Camera, the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) combines high performance photographic features with Android? 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS and dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity, making shooting, enjoying, editing and sharing images from a single device easier than ever before.
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The GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) has all of the innovative and practical features that the GALAXY Camera offers but without a 3G/4G connection. This makes the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) more affordable for a user who does not need the always- connected benefit of the GALAXY Camera. With the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi), users can use the dual-band Wi-Fi technology embedded in the device to share photos with family and friends through email, social networks or mobile communication services like Samsung ChatON right from the device, as well as enjoy the luxury of backing-up pictures instantly to cloud services when connected.
With a 21x Super Long Zoom lens and a super-bright 16M BSI CMOS, the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) combines superior compact camera hardware with a simple and comfortable design. Taking professional-looking images is made easy with 19 different integrated Smart Modes, which allow users to choose from a series of preset scenario options such as Light trace or Action freeze to ensure the perfect shot is captured every time.
The GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) revolutionizes photography with its Android? 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS, providing the familiarity of the largest Smartphone OS with advanced picture taking ability. Users can customize their camera and choose which of the 700,000? Android? apps from Google Play they wish to download.
For enjoying and editing images, the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) boasts a large and vivid camera display ? a 4.8? (121.2mm) HD Super Clear Touch Display. The GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) comes preloaded with powerful photo and video editing tools, ?Photo Wizard? and ?Video Editor,? allowing for professional style edits to be made right from the GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi).
Connectivity for the Samsung GALAXY Camera (Wi-Fi) is supported by a quad-core processor that enables fast web-browsing and multi-tasking, as well as high-speed image processing without a significant impact on battery life. The stylish curves of the camera?s ergonomic design further aid image capture by placing all of the key controls right at your fingertips.
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